He Couldn't Say NO !!!!

Created by Andrea 14 years ago
Norman had one problem, he couldn't say NO. So if anyone asked him to do a job he would say yes, it didn't matter how many other jobs he had waiting, he didn't like to let people down. On one occasion he was doing some work for a colleague Ken Jenkins, and he would work for him for two days and then go missing for a couple of days, Ken kept ringing on the days he went missing an Norman always said he would be there in an hour, but never turned up, so one day Ken decided to go and collect him, when he reached Norman's he offered to drive Norman back to his place, but Norman said no, he would follow in his car as all of his tools were there, so off they started and Ken kept looking in his mirror to check that Norman was following and the last time he looked Norman had vanished. Needless to say Norman eventually finished the job and all was well, but he had a style all of his own. If he ever said I'll see you in the morning, you needed him to specify which morning and what time, as organisational skills were not one of his strong points.